Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET)

Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) is an online course I created to help families navigate addiction challenges.

I’m Jeff Jones, MA, LPC, CACIII, with extensive experience in couples and family counseling. In this course, I guide you through understanding how addiction impacts family dynamics and provide practical strategies to foster personal growth and create a supportive environment for recovery. You’ll learn to improve communication, build empathy, and develop a positive framework for healing. My goal is to empower you and your loved ones to face addiction’s challenges together and move toward lasting recovery and growth. I’m excited to support you on this journey—let’s take the next step towards a healthier, more connected family!

Understanding & Supporting a Loved One's Recovery with
Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET)

This course is specifically designed for family members with a loved one at some stage of addiction, or early recovery (under 12 months).

Whether you’re a parent grappling with a child’s substance abuse, a spouse navigating the challenges of addiction within your marriage, a sibling witnessing a brother or sister’s struggle, an adult child watching a parent struggle, or a friend offering unwavering support, FAET is tailored so you’re empowered to meet your unique needs and circumstances.

Whether your whole family is unified in what needs to happen next, or there are multiple opinions (about the addiction) from different family members, you’ll have opportunities to consider your next best steps and coaching to help you make decisions – every step of the way.

Even if you think you have to do this alone, you’ll get clear on steps to move forward.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, confused, or powerless in the face of addiction, this course is for you. If you don’t make change, its very likely, your loved one has no reason to change.

FAET empowers you to take your next best step.

In the ideal world, families would start FAET as a strategy to prevent addiction from coming into their home, however cultural mixed messages about addiction can obscure the risks.

Through FAET, you’ll discover the continuum of practical tools: from “planting seeds” that inspire your loved one to be curious about their drug or alcohol use, to incremental invitations that put the onus a very direct family recovery message with incremental consequences that you help design.

Whether you’re just beginning to confront addiction’s impact on your family or seeking guidance on continuing your progress, FAET offers a supportive community and expert guidance every step of the way.

Ending Stigma, Reclaiming Lives: FAET's Guide to Family-Centered Healing

What is Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET)?

FAET is a transformative 6-session online course designed to empower family members with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to navigate the complex landscape of addiction within the family unit.

Through a carefully curated curriculum, participants will gain insights into how centuries-old cultural mixed messages about addiction still increase difficulties today for families to make good choices about navigating addiction in the family.

FAET guides families to shield themselves from the trickledown of cultural mixed messages, and make decisions that enable the health of the family, and the health of the individual in addiction to consider positive change.

FAET's Mission

The mission of FAET is to empower families with addicted loved ones to find their best short and long-term solutions. It aims to provide practical strategies and support for families dealing with addiction.

First, the Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) is 6 Healing Arc Eduction sessions (DIY, online) combined with group and individual coaching. The intention is for families to incrementally make change in their actions and communication so they become a part of the solution. 

Second, to coach families implementing skills learned in FAET, while introducing biochemical repair, amino coaching, and nutrition to the individual. 

Third, facilitating ongoing structured family meetings so the individual can share their plan, progress over time, and invite questions and dialogue to rebuild trust.

Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) Guide to Recovery

What to Expect After Taking This Course:

Empowerment Through Understanding
Gain a clear understanding of addiction and its impact on families. Coaching on all decisions necessary to navigate challenging situations with clarity, compassion, and boundaries.

Knowledge That Empowers
Understand how the past creates the future until you change it. Learning the roots of addiction starts the process. Participating in group coaching enables you to learn and practice your best next steps.

Genuine Connection
Learn effective communication techniques that foster genuine connection with your loved one, while maintaining strong boundaries with addiction.

Strength in Resilience
As you learn to overcome obstacles and setbacks, you develop resilience in your nervous system. Emerge stronger and with more confidence in your ability to set boundaries with addiction, and continue to love your loved one.

Personal Growth
Experience personal growth and self-discovery as you explore and challenge your beliefs, thinking, boundaries, and relationships within the context of addiction.

Community and Support
Join a supportive community of individuals who share similar experiences and gain access to valuable resources and support networks.

What will I learn?

✓ Understand the ‘why and how’ past cultural patterns drive “best practices” solutions today.
✓ Unravel centuries of cultural mixed messages about addiction to find your best next step, and the next, and the next.
✓ Inspire curiosity in your loved one to question their substance use.
✓ Learn to overcome obstacles that hinder progress and lead to confusion.
Gain insights into the FAET model

Family Education
✓ Incremental Family Change
✓ Incremental Offers for Individuals in Addiction to Change
✓ Living Beyond Addiction

Don't let your family navigate addiction alone! Secure your spot by joining the waitlist today and get priority access when enrollment reopens!

Fill out the form to join our waitlist and get priority access when enrollment reopens!

Overview of each session:

Session 1: Explore the origins of cultural mixed messages about addiction and their detrimental effects on families.

Session 2: See how these mixed messages have trickled down into family dynamics and contribute to confusion.

Session 3: Learn practical strategies to clarify mixed messages and motivate your loved one toward change.

Session 4: Develop skills to manage obstacles of relational power and prevent relapse into old patterns.

Session 5: Learn the 3 pathways to communicate and engage your loved one into a change process and eventually a healing journey.

Sessions 6: Discover what to have ready when your loved one says, “yes” and explore topics to expand support for your entire family throughout the healing journey.

Learn more about Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET)

What is FAET?

FAET stands for Family Addiction Engagement Training, a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating addiction within the family unit.

Who is FAET for?

FAET is designed for families and individuals who are impacted by addiction and seeking guidance and support. It is also suitable for professionals working in addiction counseling, therapy, social work, and related fields.

How is FAET structured?

FAET is structured into sessions, each focusing on specific aspects of addiction and family engagement. Sessions include video presentations, transcripts for navigation, additional resources, and fieldwork assignments for practical application.

What topics are covered in FAET?

Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) covers a wide range of topics related to addiction within the family, including exploring the centuries of cultural mixed messages surrounding addiction, understanding the history and roots of addiction, addiction dynamics, effective communication strategies, holistic approaches to recovery, and practical tools for supporting loved ones in their journey to sobriety.

Who is the lead instructor of FAET?

 The lead instructor for Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) is Jeff Jones, a seasoned professional with extensive experience in addiction counseling, family dynamics, and holistic approaches to recovery.

Is FAET suitable for individuals struggling with addiction themselves?

While FAET primarily focuses on supporting families with addicted loved ones, individuals struggling with addiction may also find valuable insights and strategies for their own recovery journey.

Is FAET suitable for professionals working in addiction counseling or related fields?

Yes, FAET is designed to benefit professionals in addiction counseling, therapy, social work, and related fields. It provides practical tools and perspectives for supporting families and individuals affected by addiction.

Can multiple family members access the course?

Yes, you can share the learning and access within your family for modules. However, you will only be given one account to share.

How can I access FAET?

FAET is an online course, that provides convenient access to all materials and resources. Interested individuals can enroll in the course through the designated platform.

How long does it take to complete FAET?

The suggested timeline for completing FAET is approximately 6 months. However, the timeline may vary depending on the individual’s pace and commitment. Within each session, participants will be asked to choose a path, and depending on the path chosen, their timeline for completion may change.

About Jeff Jones

I’m Jeff Jones. Sure, I have credentials specific to addiction and families, however my life’s journey inspires my dedication to transform how we as a culture address addiction in the family. But the credentials show a pathway of my learning journey: a masters in couples and family counseling (MA), licensed professional counselor (LPC), certified addiction counselor (CACIII), interventionist, nutritional recovery life coach, family coach, and creator of The Family Recovery Solution. I also bring over a decade of mediation experience to every family I support.

jeff jones addiction recovery
My Mission & Philosophy

My Mission is to help families with an addicted loved one help themselves to find their best short and long-term solutions.

My personal experiences navigating addiction within my own family (and myself) have profoundly influenced my work. Through my healing journey, academic pursuits, and practical strategies, I’ve gained invaluable insights into understanding and encouraging change with all sides of family dynamics, even the most complex.

My Philosophy is that if rebuilding healthy family connections in the future is important, family involvement is crucial for good short-term solutions and the most sustainable long-term solutions.

Join Me on the Journey
Ready to take the next step on your family’s path to healing?

I invite you to join me and the Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET) community today. Together, we can break down barriers, overcome stigma, and pave the way for brighter futures.