Book Me to Speak

Speaker on Addiction Recovery & Family Healing

About Jeff Jones MA, LPC, CRNC1

Founder of The Family Recovery Solution (TFRS), and Family Addiction Engagement Training (FAET)

The “Start with the Family First” method is a 3-5 year continuum of services, resources, and referrals that starts with education that inspires families to create and maintain conditions inhospitable to active addiction. Then, once your loved one is in recovery, our services expand to a holistic pathway of individual and family healing, as well as self management of tracking change overtime.

Jeff’s presentations offer tools for professionals to learn and incorporate into their services, specifically longterm family recovery engagement and nutritional complements for optimal brain function, so your client’s brain’s function optimally, and they can better incorporate what they are learning from your services. 

Jeff is passionate about decreasing the daily deaths from addiction.

Because of his own upbringing, he sees how families are continually blamed, shamed, and separated from the addiction recovery healing process. He has seen when family education begins while a loved one is still using drugs or alcohol, the family has an opportunity to practice new cognitive information, which begins customizing their own change process, now and into the future. 

Jeff is part of the Academy for Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition’s community of practitioners trained by Christina Veselak. He is active in her non-profit, Eating Protein Saves Lives, Inc., which is guided by evidence-based research from the 1960s, now buried.  

Currently, he’s providing talks for treatment centers and organizations to consider complements that increase their success rate:

  • Start with Family First 
  • Nutrition To Feed the Brain First

Interested in having Jeff Jones speak at your event or podcast? Contact him to discuss your needs and schedule a session.

Jeff Jones, MA, LPC, CRNC1

Start with Family First

This presentation will start with a brief description of the “Family Addiction Engagement Training” (FAET), 6 session online education and coaching program for families that inspires incremental changes in family members actions and communication, so they become a stronger part of the solution to get their loved one to accept help being offered. Then the presentation will be tailored to brainstorm best strategies to incorporate FAET into your program. 

Nutrition to Feed the Brain First

This presentation will briefly describe Christina Veselaks’s “Eating Protein Saves Lives” (EPSL) non-profit and how these resources can be applied in your program. This information can be geared for treatment centers or organizations that focus on prevention.